graphic artists in the arab countries

Comics for Humanity ...

Comics for Humanity ...

There will be a 7-day comics exhibition at @swefiehvillage and a 3-day workshop @fada317.

In the Framework of the Comics Week in Jordan (20-27 May, Sweifieh village).


Are you a professional comics artist?

Are you above 20 years old?

Would you like to meet with professional comics artists from Europe?

Would you like to express the topic 'Humanity' through Comics?

If so, send your bio to

The workshops start at 2:00 PM and conclude at 6:00 PM.

This 3 days workshop (21-23 May 2024) is supported by the EU Delegation in Jordan with the presence of Artists from Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, and Greece.


I am facilitating the 3-day workshop @fada317

Logo & poster design by Sardine.