comics artists in the arab countries

حلمي البردعة
/ Helmi Bardaa
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He dreams of a significant artistic achievement despite his young age. A Tunisian artist born in 2001, started his artistic career as an illustrator of Comics for the Internet.
His works varied between illustrations which raise social and political issues as well as other comical issues.
After his success in publishing his first comic book, he joined the “Lab619” as the youngest member where he discovered a new experimental dimension of Comics which gave him the chance to develop his knowledge, so he published his works on a larger scale.
He is pursuing his education of Graphics in France as he considers himself in the re-evaluation process of his artistic career and looking for the future.


يحلم بإنجاز فني كبير رغم صغر سنه. فنان تونسي من مواليد 2001، بدأ مسيرته الفنية كرسام قصص مصورة للإنترنت.
تنوعت أعماله بين رسوم تطرح قضايا اجتماعية وسياسية وأخرى هزلية.
بعد نجاحه في نشر أول كتاب مصور له، إلتحق بمجموعة المخبر 619 كأصغر عضو فيها حيث إكتشف بعدا تجريبيا جديدا للكوميكس، مما أتاح له الفرصة لتطوير معرفته، فنشر أعماله على نطاق أوسع.
يواصل الآن مسيرته الدراسية في الجرافيكس في فرنسا، حيث يعتبر نفسه في مرحلة إعادة تقييم لمشواره الفني والبحث عن المستقبل.